Invoice Structure

Invoice Header

Invoice information including invoice type, supplier name, supplier site, invoice number, invoice date, and invoice amount.

Invoice Lines

The invoice lines define the details of the goods and services as well as the tax, freight, and miscellaneous charges invoiced by the supplier. There can be multiple invoice lines for each invoice header. The Lines tab of the Invoice Workbench captures all of the details for the invoice line necessary for accounting.

For each invoice, you can manually enter invoice lines, or you can automatically generate lines by matching the invoice to a purchase order shipment, pay item, or receipt. Each invoice line can have multiple distributions tied to each line. Each distribution serves as the source for an accounting entry generated from the invoice.

You can set up line-level approvals using the Invoice Lines Approval workflow. Requesters must approve all lines before they can approve the invoice header.

The following different types of invoice lines are supported:

Item Lines

Item lines capture the details of the goods and services billed on your invoice.

Freight Lines

Freight lines capture the details of your freight charges. Freight charges can be allocated to Item lines as required. 

Miscellaneous Lines

Miscellaneous lines capture the details of other charges on your invoices such as installation or service. Like Freight lines, Miscellaneous lines can be allocated to Item lines.

Tax lines

Payables integrates with Oracle E-Business Tax to automatically determine and calculate the applicable tax lines for your invoices. E-Business Tax uses your tax setup, plus fields on the invoice header and lines, known as tax drivers, to determine which taxes should be applied to the invoice, to calculate the tax using the appropriate tax rates, and to determine whether or not the tax is recoverable or non-recoverable. 

E-Business tax creates the necessary tax lines and distributions for the invoice and allocates tax. If your tax setup permits, you can update the tax lines or manually enter tax lines.

Scheduled Payments

Invoice payment details including scheduled payment date, amount and priority. Scheduled payments are created based on payment terms when the invoice header is saved. An invoice header can have one or more scheduled payments.


Distribution details include invoice accounting details, the GL date, charge accounts, and project information. An invoice header can have one or more invoice distributions.

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